Just Can't Sleep? Try This - Before You Go Crazy Or Get Addicted To Questionable Drugs
We understand. Not sleeping stinks, and that’s why you’re here.
You want to break free from the prison of poor sleep, but you’re not sure how. Or that it’s even possible.
You want some help but you’re not sure what that would look like. You want solutions but don’t want to spend lots of money, take drugs (with nasty side effects) that may not help, or invest lots of time.
What’s "Sleep Liberation" and
What’s It Got To Do With You?
I had just given a monthly “Health Chat” about protecting your brain from the ravages of dementia. Amidst key take-aways, a distinguished-looking woman with tired eyes lamented, “I just can’t sleep! And it’s been going on for months now.” Another woman bemoaned, “I have the same problem. Night after night I just can’t sleep.”
Later, while presenting a similar talk to business owners, a slouched man with a short scruffy beard wondered mournfully, “What can we do about sleep? Studies show that sleep aids contribute to dementia.”
It was then that I realized it isn’t enough to help people (you) to escape from the clutches of dementia, or to dissolve your stress. Yes, you want to be happy and healthy, but you just can’t learn or apply new strategies when you’re exhausted and worn down by not sleeping.
Hence, Sleep Liberation was born. Yes, we focus on restoring your natural ability to sleep, so that you can get the rest you desperately need.
Our mission, however, is to support your sleep in a way that also helps you: manage stress. Protect your brain. And develop other lifestyle habits that will serve you well in the long run.
Will Our Program Make Your Heart Sing?
We’ve found that it's easiest to break free from the nightmare of poor sleep if:

Why Invest Time and Effort In Better Sleep?
We’re guessing that you might like to:
Yes, good sleep gives you all of the above and more. If this sounds appealing to you, we’re here to get you sleeping again.
Meanwhile, Is This You, Tonight?
Imagine that you’re lying in bed, trying to sleep. Again.
A million thoughts flood your head. Or, your mind feels blank, but your body just can’t relax.
“Maybe I should get up and take that pill.”
“No, I should read.”
"I just can’t relax….
“Oh, I’m so upset. I can’t believe she said that! Why do these things always happen before the Board Meeting?”
“I’m not sleeping! I can’t sleep! I can’t believe I’m not sleeping again!”
And on it goes.
Another. Exhausting. Night.
Give Us 6 Weeks To Help You Become Sleep Liberated
We’ve created a 6-week course so that you can be freed from poor sleep, fast!
What’s Included in this Comprehensive Program?

How Does The Program Work?
We Created This Program With You in Mind.
We know this about you, and took it into account:
What Are Our Sleep Coaching Clients Saying
(Sleep Coaching is included in the Sleep Liberation Program)
It may sound strange to describe the Sleep Discovery session I had with Rachel as “delightful,” but that is exactly how I felt about it. Rachel is one of the best listeners I have ever had the pleasure to talk to. She really practices active listening. She let me go on at length about my sleep issues, then reflected back what I said to her in a way that showed that she not only heard what I said, but gave it a lot of thought and concluded with a spot-on analysis.
I was definitely pleasantly surprised, as I wasn’t too sure how much I would get from the session as I have read just about all the literature there is out there about sleep and insomnia, as well as incorporated the standard “sleep hygiene” protocol that most sleep experts recommend. Not only that, I’ve also experimented with various hacks for improving my sleep, with varying results. Rachel impressed me by analyzing my problem and coming up with helpful suggestions and a plan of action.
I highly recommend Rachel's services to anyone in need of regular zzzz's.
- Cheryl Hartsell N. California

What Take-Home Treasures Will
You Gain From This Program?
Allow me to ask you some questions.
How confident are you, right now, in where to start on your Sleep journey? Should you: consult a Sleep doctor? Complete a sleep study? Go see your regular doctor and start taking whatever he/she prescribes? Buy an OTC drug? Take a melatonin pill left over from your last trip abroad? Wouldn’t it be nice to have this answered, specifically for you?
What is your best strategy when you can’t sleep in the middle of the night? Should you go to bed earlier? Stay up later? Get out of bed? Stay in bed? or… something else?? Once you’re clear about your unique needs, values, obstacles and strengths, you can continue to build on what works best for you.
How well do you handle stress? How do you feel when someone says something agitating? How fast can you get back to your Center when something throws you off?
How do you tame thoughts and feelings that haunt you in the middle of the night?
Our Program can help you to gain skills you can build upon in each of these areas.
"This Couldn't Possibly Work For Me -
I've Already Tried Everything..."
Here are some of the evidence-based “no-fail” strategies we build in to give you the best possible chance of success. We Include:
Ready To Get Started Sleeping and Staying Sane?
Sign up for our comprehensive program now. You’ll receive:
Let’s get sleeping now! Click here
to get started – only 1295
This is a 48% discount off the office visit price of 125 per Neurofeedback session, with the coaching free!
Remember, The Best Time to Break Free From
The Nightmare of Poor Sleep is Now!
Our Program comes with a 7 day Money Back Guarantee, so that you can rest assured that you’re making the right decision for you.
I never had a health coach before but I'm so glad I decided to try it. Rachel has been so supportive. She respectfully listens, relates, questions and offers suggestions. She's knowledgeable and insightful, and can be both gentle and tough - with humility, humor and grace. I know Rachel makes many healthy choices for herself. Thanks to her guidance and encouragement, I'm making more for myself. The HeartMath is simple yet powerful. Working with Rachel is a gift to myself that is paying off in results.
Would You Like To Know What
Happens Each Week?
Some General Points:
Here's an Outline of How You Might Move through the Program
Week 1 – is (unsurprisingly) all about YOU! I’ll lead you through a number of assessments and exercises to help set the foundation for your progress. And, we’ll make sure that you feel comfortable setting up and using your Brain Training equipment.
Week 2 – We’ll take a deep dive into the specific sleep goals and strategies that you decided to start with. For instance, suppose you realize that anxious thoughts keeping you up at night are your biggest problem. We might start by reviewing strategies to challenge these thoughts, and by learning simple tools to restore peace and self-acceptance.
Week 3 – We’ll review and build upon your progress from the first two weeks, and introduce new content as indicated. For example, I might instruct you in learning to use the power of positive emotions to manage stress during the day, and to help you sleep at night.
Week 4 – We’ll continue to review your progress, challenges and roadblocks related to each of your goals. We’ll continue to instruct you in new strategies, tools or resources as needed.
Week 5 – You’ll start to summarize what is changing as you had hoped, and where more time or other strategies will be needed.
Week 6 – We’ll revisit the initial assessments you did, and your initial goals, to see what you’ve gained and where progress is still needed. We’ll discuss next steps, and how you’ll keep moving forward. And, of course, we’ll Celebrate YOU and all of your gains!

Here are Some Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I think I would like help with managing my anxious thoughts, but I’m not sure I want Neurofeedback – the idea of it makes me anxious! Is it possible to have just coaching?
A. Yes, this is certainly possible. You can find out more by visiting our Services page. However, there’s no reason to be anxious about this form of Neurofeedback; nothing is introduced into your brain. Visit our Neurofeedback page to learn more.
Q. I would like Neurofeedback, but am not sure I want to commit to so many sessions, and I’m not ready for coaching. Is it possible to have fewer sessions?
A. Yes, we rent our units by the month, for either 12 or 20 sessions, as well as for 6 weeks during our program. See our Neurofeedback pages for more information.
Q. What kind of results can I expect in 6 weeks? I’ve been on 2 different sleeping pills for a period of about 20 years, and I still have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep.
A. The longer you’ve had the problem, the longer it might take to resolve the problem. Our program will help you to address underlying stressors that might also contribute to poor sleep. And, it’s true that you might ultimately want more than 20 sessions of Neurofeedback because of your history of heavy medications. Our suggestion is to start the Program, while continuing your medication as usual. Later you can go back to your prescribing doctor to see if you can lessen the amount of your sleep aids.
Q. Is it realistic to think that I can overcome my sleep problems just by doing 20 sessions of Neurofeedback, even if I don’t change anything else?
A. There are many reasons for not sleeping, including quite a few that are biochemical in nature. It is therefore likely that Neurofeedback training alone may not permanently change all of your sleep issues, if you’re continuing the same habits that contributed to your sleep problems in the first place. Also, for many, 20 sessions is a good starting point, allowing clear positive changes to be seen in some life areas, but generally more sessions will better address long-standing sleep issues.
Have additional questions that aren’t answered here? Feel welcome to give us a call at (800) 755-6225 or email us at [email protected].
We Can't Wait To Help You Get Sleeping Again
Sign up for our comprehensive program now. You’ll receive:
Let's get sleeping now! Click Here to get started - only 1295.

Our Program comes with a 7 day Money Back Guarantee, so that you can rest assured that you’re making the right decision for you.