Use NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback To Train Your Brain To A Better You
A NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback Rental Could Be
THE KEY To Being Your Best
Check out this short informative video, crafted and provided by the very talented NeurOptimal® team.
Life Is Better When Your Brain Is Optimized:
Neurofeedback Can Help You Get There.
Something is not quite right.
You know you're not feeling 100%, but you just can't put your finger on the problem. You'd like to be at your best, but.... right now, you're not.
But you've heard about NEUROFEEDBACK and you think it might be able to help you.
So What Exactly Is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is a way of displaying information about your brain’s electrical activity in a user-friendly format.
NeurOptimal® neurofeedback is like a software scan of your central nervous system's neuron to neuron connections. It's passive brain training, for personal enrichment.
Neurofeedback is a non-invasive way of accessing the power of your brain to correct itself. With a NeurOptimal® rental unit, it's like having your own private gym, where your brain can get training any time, and (almost) anywhere.
What is NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback,
and How Does It Work?
NeurOptimal® is an advanced form of Neurofeedback developed by two Clinical Psychologists, Drs. Valdeane and Susan Brown.
Their proprietary algorithms (mathematical calculations & rules) allow their software to sample data from your brain 256 times in one second, and then provide feedback to your brain about what it’s doing, thus allowing the brain to reorganize itself, one micro-second at a time.
Let's Take A Closer Look
And What Is Your Brain Doing?
Abrupt, inconsistent changes in the brain's electrical activity undermines it’s optimal performance.
NeurOptimal® detects these abrupt changes, and then alerts the brain to their presence by interrupting (for a microsecond) what you are listening to.
These interruptions cause your central nervous system to pull away from its path of electrical activity, and to re-organize itself.
With training, this happens over and over, until the new efficient, resilient path becomes your new “normal.”
Some Benefits of NeurOptimal's
Unique Approach:

What People Are Saying About Neurofeedback
When I learnt of the NeurOptimal® rentals about two years ago, I was interested in using it in my psychotherapy practice upon learning of the multiple ways it helped people, however, I was inwardly somewhat skeptical. When my initial plan for using it didn’t materialize ,I was discouraged, but was told to “train myself”. I didn’t see a particular need but began anyhow with myself, my grandchildren and anyone nearby that would agree to give it a try. Fast forward to today… my clarity, focus and sense of organization have definitely improved! I have seen many improvements with my patient population and now offer this more freely with confidence that good things will, indeed, be happening.
Vicki Lerner
NeurOptimal® is an incredible asset to my acupuncture and coaching practice. I have found that outcomes have improved significantly when I include NeurOptimal® sessions in my client's health plan, especially those struggling with anxiety or depression. NeurOptimal®'s contribution to brain and nervous system health is remarkable and helps the body to heal more deeply and with less resistance. It has become an invaluable tool in my practice when helping people overcome the mental and emotional aspects of disease.
Michael Meuth L.Ac., ACN
NeurOptimal® Rentals Are Available Today!
Renting is easy and flexible with our three different pricing models.
Choose the option below that best suits your needs.

If you live in the Sedona Arizona area, call 800-755-6225 to get direct access
Rent your own personal system
Rent for yourself and 1 or 2 others
More sessions, lower cost per session
Shipping and insurance for delivery and return are not included above. Rates are typically between $35-$50 each way.
Proof That NeurOptimal® Works for Real People
Marco developed seizures when he was 13 – he is now 25.
They were bad.
Not long after, I took him to do neurofeedback using a traditional system and qEEG. (Not NeurOptimal®). For 15 months Marco did not have any seizures because the neurofeedback was keeping his delta waves down. However, he started developing side effects – tics, tardive dyskinesia, muscle spasms etc. so we stopped. I felt that there was a huge margin of human error involved with the determining of the protocol for the neurofeedback which is essentially unavoidable. This was a major factor in my decision to buy a NeurOptimal® system, knowing that it is fully automated and does not require a human to make any decisions on behalf of the brain. I’m so glad I did!
He’s been seizure free since the summer of 2014 and has been doing NeurOptimal® since Oct. of 2015. We did an EEG this year and his EEG was clear of any seizure activity so his Neurologist has been reducing his seizure medication. I attribute this normal EEG to NeurOptimal®. My son’s neurologist confirmed that a person may be asymptomatic of seizures (not be having seizures), but their EEG can still show seizure activity in the brain; so it was very amazing that my son did not show any seizure activity on his EEG considering his long history of intense and continuous seizure activity.
Boca Raton, Florida
Rachel Haverkos
NeurOptimal® Trainer with Advanced Certification
About Rachel Haverkos
Rachel began training with NeurOptimal® to see if it could help with a chronic health challenge. She’s learned 3 (at least) important lessons about how NeurOptimal® works, over the course of several years of sessions. She values crafting rental packages that are just right for each client.

What Can I Use A NeurOptimal® Rental For?
At this stage you might still have some questions about how a Neuroptimal® rental can help you.
Maybe you think it can't be used to help you with the specific problem you're currently having.
Here's Just A Few Ways That People Have Used The NeurOptimal® System
All Videos courtesy of the NeurOptimal Youtube Channel
Managing Fear
Challenging Behaviours
Helping Children
Reaching Peak Performance
Improving Brain Health
What Happens During A Session?
Are you curious about what happens during a session? We thought you might be, so we created a separate article for you, found here.
How Many Sessions Do I Need?
Each person’s brain is unique, impacted by such things as genetics, blows to the head, diet, blood sugar regulation, drugs, hormones, etc.
Generally speaking, the longer you’ve had a problem, and the more severe it’s gotten, the longer it might take to see improvement in that specific problem. Improvements may come in other areas first, like better sleep for example.
How Is NeurOptimal® Different From Other Systems?
Have you ever caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, only to realize that you had spinach in your teeth? Or that your tie was crooked, or that you were slouching?
And did you find yourself instinctively correcting what was wrong, without needing someone else to prompt you?
This is a simplified version of a key theory behind NeurOptimal®.
The premise is that the brain knows best how to correct itself, once it is given the right information about what it is doing.
Other Systems
Other forms of Neurofeedback do NOT recognize that the brain can change itself.
They rely on practitioner expertise and complicated sophisticated equipment, to attempt to “push” or “pull” the brain towards certain activity.
NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is the exact opposite of this approach.

Choose The Rental Plan Suits You Best
Rent your own personal system
Rent for yourself and
1 or 2 others
More sessions,
lower cost per session
Shipping and Insurance for delivery and return are not included above. Rates are typically between $35-$50 each way.

Should something go wrong with your rental unit, we’ll arrange a remote support session with a NeurOptimal® technician (this doesn’t include problems caused by user error, such as dropping the unit or adding other software to it). They’ll take over the computer to diagnose and repair it. In the rare event that a remote session doesn’t resolve the issue, we’ll arrange for a replacement unit to be sent to you.
Rachel Haverkos
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it true that you offer both Laptop and Surface Pro Tablet rentals?
What type of support do you offer?
How long will it take to receive my rental unit?
Is there a minimum or maximum amount of time that I can rent the NeurOptimal® Unit?
Do you have a rental unit available right now?
How often do I use it?
Is the Neurofeedback I receive from a rental unit the same as what I would receive at your office?
How do I know if it's working?
How difficult is it to learn how to run sessions?
What is included in my Rental Box?
Do You Match Competitor Pricing?
Do The Benefits of NeurOptimal® Training Last Over Time?
Can I Buy A Unit Instead Of Renting?
P.S.: Neuroptimal® rentals are a safe, convenient, non-invasive method of improving your brain's function, so that you can live the life you want, now.
Copyright - Vibrant Brain For Life, LLC
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