7 Strategies to Fall Asleep at 3:16 am - 
Even If You Haven't Slept Well in Years

“Oh no, not again.”

“I get nervous even thinking about going to bed.”

“Ack! I must be doing something wrong. I’m still not sleeping!”

Yup, I know. You’ve already tried a lot of things.

But I doubt you’ve tried these suggestions – only one you may have heard before.

Which ones will appeal to you? See if you can find at least one or two.

Remember, you can get some sleep.

4 Keys To Sleeping Better
Our suggestions for better sleep center around these 4 Powerful Keys (which you’ve heard us mention before):

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    Sleep Hygiene (Do what you can to sleep better)
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    Thought and Relaxation Training (Calm and soothe your mind and body)
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    Sleep Restoration (Scheduling and managing your sleep)
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    Neurofeedback (Working with your body’s own systems to make natural sleep easier)

You Got This: Take Control

Sleep Hygiene: Control what you can control to sleep better

1. Adjust your room to the “cool side” – about 68 degrees is optimal for many. This alone may help you sleep better.

2. Check the position of your eyes. Are they looking down? If not, you’ll want to fix that. (Why, you ask? Eyes looking straight ahead convey waking consciousness.) Pretend your ankles are fascinating (yup, really). With closed eyes, mentally trace around them, slowly. Relax your eyes in this position. And then…

3. Activate your imagination. Notice a thought that’s drifting across your mind. Let it carry you away as you slip off into unexplored territory. Let go…. Use curiosity to explore where your imagination wants to take you.

Don't Sweat It, Forget It: Let go

Thought and Relaxation Training (Calm your mind and body)

To help you be in the Present, where sleep can take place, try the following:

4. Focus upon the area of your heart. Put all your attention there. Place your hand over your heart if you wish. Relax your mind. Research done by the Institute of HeartMath shows that just putting our attention upon the heart, and imagining our breath coming in and out of the heart (while breathing a little more slowly), can help our nervous system to relax and sleep. Do this for as long as you can.

Your thoughts will start to calm down, as your whole body enters a calmer state.

Simple, yes? And profound. Try it, in order to see for yourself.

What also helps is releasing muscle tension. Are you tense?

Muscles along the back of the body shorten, in response to fight or flight. If you find you’re tossing and turning, gently lengthening your tight tendons. The increased blood flow and oxygen allows irritating wastes to be carried away.

5. Your instructions are simple (it is the middle of the night after all). Just notice where you’re tight, and move gently in a way that releases the tension. Lengthen and hold the “stretch” for several seconds – especially the back of your calves.

6. Next, notice: Are you anxious? Worried? Regretful? Any thoughts yelling at you? Imagine a big volume dial on these menacing monsters. Turn them down. Way down. You can thank these thoughts for trying to keep you safe. And, then kindly but firmly “parent” them into submission. Breathe deep. Put your attention back on your heart. And on peace.

"It's About Time"

Sleep Restoration (Scheduling and managing your sleep)

Key Pointers:

7. Not sleeping? Want to get up? That’s ok – as long as you won’t trip and fall. What to do while up? Just something quiet, like knitting or reading a peaceful book. Want to sleep in the recliner? Nope. Do not sleep anywhere other than your bed. The hardest part? Get up at your regular wake time. Yes, in spite of your rough night. I know - cruel. That’s why we use other strategies too.

Training and Regaining: Optimize Your Brain

Neurofeedback (Training your brain to make natural sleep more automatic…)

8. Well, it’s true. This step won’t help you too much in the middle of the night (that’s why we don’t count it). Unless, of course, you are renting a system, and then it’s fine to get up and run a session at 2:00 am (assuming your family can sleep through this). It’s preferable to run sessions during the day, though….

What will you try? What will make the biggest difference for you?

Start with one or two things. Write them down. Place your reminder at your bedside.

Hopefully, you’ll never need the list. But if you’re not sleeping, you’ll know what to do.

Just be sure to use the strategies you do try at least several times, to really evaluate them.

Watch expectantly. Stay Relaxed. Before you know it, you’ll be swept away, regularly, into the land of deeper sleep and dreams.

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